What a whirlwind the end of the year has been! Halloween (to say I enjoyed being The Little Mermaid is an understatement!), multiple birthday celebrations, Thanksgiving, our third wedding anniversary, Christmas, and the list goes on – The Thomas residence has been quite busy! As 2023 comes to an end, I’m filled with gratitude for all that God has brought us through (inserts praise dance) and excitement for everything the new year will bring.
My husband and I are starting a few new traditions that we believe will be beneficial to creating our dream life together. I feel compelled to share what we’re up to in preparation for a successful 2024 with you, so that we can all evolve together. You don’t need to be in a relationship to put these new year tips into play, so all my single ladies (yes, I sang that like Beyonce!) please partake.
- Take time to reflect. Today we had a picnic in the park where we talked about our favorite memories this year, the biggest lessons we learned, what we are most proud of, and how we’re feeling emotionally, spiritually, and physically. We also shared areas for improvement individually and collectively.
- Set intentions. Our year in review discussion was followed by a game plan for the new year. We talked about what we want to accomplish most in 2024 and how we can support each other. We then reviewed our financial goals and budget.
- Set your 2024 theme. Pick a theme word or phrase that echoes your goals and intentions for the new year. This was our first time doing this and it didn’t come easy. I chose something that I heard that resonated with me and that is to always assume positive intent. In an effort to communicate more effectively, this is a reminder to extend the “most generous interpretation possible to the intentions, words, and actions of others.” Shift your perception, especially when dealing with those you love.
- Pray together. Some of the things that we pray for ourselves and our loved ones are divine protection and direction, favor beyond reason, grace and mercy despite our unworthiness, and continued good health and strength (physically and mentally). We also continuously thank God for the things we have that money cannot buy (as those are most important) and we thank Him in advance for a cup that runneth over so that we can be a blessing to others.
- Create a memories jar. We purchased this mason jar and plan to end every week of the new year adding a note with a good thing that happened written on it to the jar. On New Year’s Eve 2024, we will empty the jar and read the notes as a reminder of the awesome year we had.
Pro Tip: Write it down! Research suggests that writing things down helps you learn and retain information better. Use a notebook to set your intentions for the new year.
What do you do to prepare for the new year? Do you plan on incorporating any of the tips above? If so, which ones? Please share in the comments. Cheers to a prosperous new year filled with joy, love, and more memories than your heart can hold!
The quote shared in #3 is from Dare to Lead by Brene Brown.
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