Have you ever (cue Brandy!) thought about doing something, but stood in your own way? Whether due to procrastination or fear (those are the main reasons – don’t debate me!), we’ve all been there. This blog has existed in my head long before today – I may or may not have owned this domain for over 10 years. This year I finally decided there’s nothing to it but to do it. So here we are! Thank you for being here.
My baby (I’m talking about this website #richauntie) is making it’s debut shortly after my 35th birthday. It was supposed to be released on the day of but, as the saying goes, if you want to make God laugh show Him your plans. Anyway, to commemorate this milestone, I thought we’d start with 35 gems I’m carrying with me from books I’ve read, podcasts I’ve listened to, experiences I’ve had, and people I’ve encountered along the way. Pretty sure there’s a gem or two in here from my mom too. If you’re an Oprah fan, this is totally inspired by her book What I Know For Sure.
- Success doesn’t make you happy and happiness doesn’t guarantee success. The former is an inward journey and the latter an outward journey.
- Fear = false evidence appearing real. The thing itself cannot touch you. It only has the power you give it, so don’t let it keep you from living.
- Advice reflects the adviser’s thoughts. If it happens to resonate with you, it’s confirming what you already know.
- Luck is putting in the effort and watching the momentum work for you.
- Your life is a physical manifestation of the conversation going on in your head so talk into yourself, not to yourself.
- True humility is not thinking less of yourself, it’s thinking of yourself less.
- Sometimes quitting isn’t quitting; It’s knowing when something is no longer serving you and having the strength to bow out gracefully.
- The present moment is the only place where the future gets created.
- If you focus on taking, you’ll never have enough. If you focus on giving, you’ll never run out.
- Temporary discomfort leads to permanent improvement; Comfort is the enemy of progress.
- Prosperity is your birthright, but you won’t have what’s destined for you if you don’t make the decision to walk in excellence.
- Find joy in the little moments, because the little moments are really the big ones.
- Don’t use temporary setbacks as an excuse to create permanent failures.
- The beauty of uncertainty is infinite possibilities.
- Creativity creates structure.
- Convenience and greatness cannot co-exist.
- Don’t let compliments go to your head or criticism get to your heart.
- Treat everyone kindly because you never know if you’re entertaining angels.
- Limiting beliefs give you limited results.
- Progress over perfection. The goal is not to be perfect. The goal is to be better than before.
- Faith and worry don’t mix.
- Comparison is an enemy of progress and a thief joy. Your only competition is you.
- Serving others doesn’t undermine your influence. It heightens it.
- Self-advocate. Always.
- Mistakes are the reason we learn. Not the reason we let go.
- Be happy first. Not when you make a certain amount of money. Not once you’re in your dream house. Not after you’re promoted. Be happy now.
- Marry the process and divorce the results.
- Don’t judge people because they sin differently than you.
- Focus on significance over success. Don’t let your effort be determined by a win or loss.
- Whoever said money isn’t everything hasn’t made enough to just give it away.
- Preparation trumps pressure and fuels confidence. Always be prepared.
- No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.
- Don’t let who you were create the narrative for who you can be.
- External goals don’t help you become a better person. Internal goals do.
- You will never be as young as you are at this moment, so cherish the now.
What gems resonated with you? Let me know in the comments. If you enjoyed this post, you’ll want to check out What’s On My Bookshelf and 3 Podcasts That Will Change Your Life.
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