So, if you know me, you know I listen to podcasts while working out. Well, since I’m on week 14 of working out 5 days a week (#whoisshe), I’ve listened to quite a bit of podcasts over the past few months. If you haven’t checked out my post on 3 Podcasts That Will Change Your Life, give it a quick read! Today’s message was reconnecting with your most authentic self, which I took to mean how to unlock your inner bad ass. Simply put: This served as a reminder to me of why it’s important to just be me and I thought it may help you just be you too.
We Belong to Ourselves First
In order for real belonging to occur, we must first honor and embrace who we are. The more authentic we are in our interactions, the more belonging we will feel. Embracing yourself is so much more beautiful than trying to fit in. Changing who you are to fit a certain mold, to be well received by others, or for any reason at all will result in a false sense of belonging. Belonging is being accepted for who we really are; Belonging is a byproduct of authenticity.
The more you chase approval the more you corrupt authenticity.
Glenda baker
When I started this blog, I felt pressured to niche down. In the world of content creators, this means finding one subject to position yourself as an expert on and sticking to that subject only. Many say it’s the fastest way to grow. Should I blog about real estate? Should I blog about fashion? Do I keep them separate? When I tuned out the noise and listened to my authentic self, I thought it’s not if it’s not reflective of all of me. Furthermore, I can’t find my tribe without being who I really am and neither can you.
So the secret to unlocking your inner bad ass is simple: Just be you. Know that you were fearfully and wonderfully made. Yes, that’s from the Bible (Psalms 139:13-14). And, yes, I’m the girl who’s playlist may go from Take Me to the King by Tamela Mann to Can’t F**k Wit Me by Trick Daddy if it’s on shuffle. If you know, you know.
In all seriousness, fearfully and wonderfully made means you were created with great reverence and heart-felt interest (I did not make this up – it comes from the Hebrew translation) by the GOAT Himself. No one can be you. That is your superpower. Walk in your greatness. It’s the only way to find where you belong.
Click here for the podcast that inspired this post.
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